Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 part II

Another part of Fahrenheit 451 that annoyed me was at the beginning of the book, Guy was a devoted fireman who did not question his job. However after one talk with Clarisse, he changes his entire way of thinking. He begins to question his job, his wife and the way the world runs just from the observations of a teenager. Guy ends up killing Beatty which he would have never done before his chats with Clarisse. To me it just seems very improbable that a grown man would totally change his life around after only a few talks with a teenage girl.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fahrenheit 451

In reading Fahrenheit 451 the reader caught a glimpse of a society that is scared of books because of the ideas they pose. That is not what people are told however. They are told books were banned because people were always offended by books and the stereotypes created by them. This society was also scared of people who thought differently. An example of this was Clarisse. Clarisse was a free thinker who asked questions that made people uncomfortable like Guy. She asked Guy if he knew that at one point in history firemen were used to put fires out not start fires. That question got Guy thinking and reexamining his life so far. He decides that books are not as bad as everyone thinks and completely changes his life.

All in all I was not a fan of Fahrenheit 451. The story did not capture my interest and I also did not like the disappearance of Clarisse. She was the person who got Guy to examine his life and she just vanished. She could have played a much bigger part in the story but was reduced to just a minor character.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Talented Mr. Ripley

So far most of the movies I like are the romantic comedies that really do not require a lot of thought. However The Talented Mr. Ripley is not not one of those movies at all. It is a thriller that keeps the audience guessing until the end. The plot is about Tom Ripley, who is a social climber who wants to be in the elite. He gets his chance when he is sent off to Italy to retrieve a young playboy named Dickie Greenleaf. Tom becomes entranced with Dickie's lifestyle and over time decides he wants Dickie's lifestyle for himself. He ends up assuming Dickie's identity and must keep one step ahead of everyone. The movie has many twists in it and it keeps the plot going. It is one of my favorite movies even though it is not the type I usually watch.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CfVgcSltjc- the trailer

Sunday, April 18, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You

He's Just Not That Into is one of the movies you watch with a group of girls becuase it is a chick flick. It is about a group of people from Baltimore and how their relationships interact with each other. The movie has a sweet side that is relatable for every single girl who has wondered if a guy liked her or not. A person can feel for the main character as she tries to navigate her way through the minds of men and say to themselves, "I know the feeling," or, "I did that too." There are the feel good scences like this one when the girl finally gets the guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Kzc6znIxMg- This is my favorite scene in the entire movie and I am sorry for the Spanish subtitles. All in all this is the perfect movie to watch with a group of girls or even a boyfriend for the romantic story.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Today I watched a classic-Grease. Well it might not be a real classic but it is a movie that almost every girl has seen. I have seen it many times over the years and I can recite it. While the acting might not be the best, the energy is there and it is infectious. As I watch this movie as an adult there are the sexual references in the movie that I missed when I was little, such as in the song, "Grease Lightning." Here's the link for the song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oWeaujOWXc. It's pretty amazing the stuff I missed as a child that seem obvious to me now.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Today I watched Superbad just for fun. This movie is mainly about the adventures of two high school kids trying to get alcohol for a party. I find this movie hilarious because it was written by Seth Rogan. However I also think that the way that the cops are portrayed is scary because they are drunk driving and acting irresponsibly. In spite of this, the movie is very fuuny and good to watch with friends.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Media Writing Blog- Movies

I love watching movies and spend lots of time doing so. I just recently watched Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. I like that movie because I feel that it makes Jane Austen easy to understand and accessible to audiences. While the movie is true to the book, the way it is presented feels modern. It is also the timeless love story and as a girl, I love the love stories.