Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thoreau's Deliberate Life

When Thoreau decided to live deliberately, he went out into the woods to live in a one room cabin that was not well insulated. By going out to live in the woods, he was going to, "Simplify, Simplify," his affairs and to actually live his life. Thoreau said that he did not want to wake up one day and find out that he had not lived. While I can understand that point, it is something I believe in as well, I think he might have gone to extremes. To him there seemed to be so much technology when compared to today's standard there was very little at that time. In class someone brought up the point that even though Thoreau seemed like he was making a great sacrifice, it actuality there were people who lived without the technology everyday. So this made his "sacrifice" seem insignificant in light of these people. He did have good intentions but in the end he really did not make that much of a difference.


  1. I totally agree with you. While yes he did make sacrifices they weren't as big as what he made them out to be. It may seem like a big jump for a person who is use to having all different forms of techonlogy to go to having none. But in all actuality some people don't have technology and so the sacrifice one makes isnt the same as what another makes

  2. I agree with both of you. The sacrifices he mad then would compare to nothing we would make now. I was also wondering how isolating himself like that is a big sacrifice? When, like we talked about in our group, people were traveling west living out of their wagons.

  3. I agree with you in saying that Thoreau went to an extreme in secluding himself from the real world. It is nice to get away for awhile, but he was content with staying there. There is too much technology in the world today, but I do not think we will ever get away from it.
